Lillie & Tiffany Robinson. Tiffany scored the first toucher of the day.
Region News

Australia Day at Orbost

Our Australia Day Barefoot Bowls function proved very popular with 60 participants coming along to play. Players fortified themselves with a morning tea of Lamingtons, Tim Tams and Anzac biscuits before venturing on to the green for a game of 4s consisting 8 ends. A traditional BBQ lunch followed, washed down with a cool beer or a refreshing cuppa. The two afternoon games used the same format as the morning match and at the conclusion of the bowling everyone retired to the club room for an afternoon tea of either pavlova or savory snack and a few more beers and cuppas. The day finally concluded around 4.30pm.
The Club would like to thank everybody that took part and we hope to see some of them back at the club, particularly at the Twilight Barefoot bowls we will be holding each Friday night during February (watch out for more details coming soon).
Contributed Orbost BC